Short CV

Family name, First name: Gómez-Ruiz, Santiago
ORCID profile:
Date of birth: 18/11/1978
Nationality: Spanish
2004 PhD degree "Design and Applications of Novel Group 4 and 5 Metallocene Complexes" - European PhD Diploma
School of Experimental Sciences and Technology (ESCET), Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), Móstoles (Madrid), Spain.
Supervisors: Dr. Prashar and Dr. Fajardo
2002 Advanced Studies Diploma (M.Sc. equivalent):
ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Supervisors: Dr. Prashar and Dr. Fajardo
2009 - 2016 Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (Profesor Titular de Universidad)
Department of Biology and Geology, Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2001 - 2006 Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2008 - 2009 Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2006 - 2008 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Leipzig University, (Germany).
2011 Young Chemists Crossing Borders Fellowship granted by European Young Chemists' Network (EYCN) and Young Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society (YCC-ACS)
2004 - 2017 Supervision of 2 PhD Students
ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
2009 - 2017 Supervision of 5 Master Students
ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain) (2) and Autónoma University of Madrid, Spain (3)
2009 - 2017 Supervision of more than 20 final year project students
ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2001 Laboratory courses in Inorganic, Analytical and General Chemistry (more than 1200 hours) for students of Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Materials Engineering, Biology, Experimental Sciences at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
Since 2001 Lectures courses in General Chemistry (more than 400 hours) for students of Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Materials Engineering, Biology, Experimental Sciences at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2010 Teaching Erasmus Exchange (Master students in Inorganic Chemistry) at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.
2012 Teaching Erasmus Exchange (Master students in Environmental Chemistry) at Velenje School of Environment, Velenje, Slovenia.
2012 Teaching Erasmus Exchange (Master students in European Cooperation) at International School of Business, Celje, Slovenia
2009 - 2015 Introduction to the Structural Resolution by X-Ray Diffraction (Six editions) / Secretary of the Organizing Committee / Workshop for 25 students in Spain.
2010 Career Days in the 3rd EuCheMS / Member of the Organizing Committee (EYCN) / Symposium in Nürnberg (Germany)
2013 X Symposium of Spanish Young Researchers / Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee / Symposium in Madrid (Spain).
2015 Careers days for scientists and engineers in early stage URJC / Director of the Organizing and Scientific Committee / Workshop at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2011 - 2014 Member of the Commission for Diploma Validation and Adaptation (Responsible of Industrial Organization Engineering) at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
2010 - 2015 Member of the Inorganic and Analytical Department Safety Commission at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain).
Since 2014 Member of the ESCET Committee, ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2010 Director of Student Exchange Programme, Food Science and Technology Degree and Experimental Sciences Degree at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2011 First Year Academic coordinator of Environmental Science Degree at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2011 Member of the Quality Control Commission for Environmental Science Degree ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2014 Member of the Commission for the International PhD School in Sciences at ESCET, URJC, Móstoles (Spain)
Since 2008 Reviewer of several international journals such as: Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Mater., Chem. Commun., Nanoscale, Inorg. Chem., and many others
Since 2008 Member of the Review Board of the Israeli Science Foundation (Israel)
Since 2012 Member of the Review Board of the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica of Argentina and the Czech Academy of Science
Since 2013 Coach in Formation Courses at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Geel (Belgium)
Since 2014 Advisor of the European Young Chemists Network (EYCN)
Since 2014 Member of the Review Board of South African Research Agency, Kazahstan Ministry of Science, UE-FISCDI (Romania) and Research Executive Agency (RIA) of the European Commission (MSC-Actions)
Publication SCI-indexed: 123 publications (+1 submitted), 28 as first author, and 45 as corresponding author. Contributions in acclaimed journals such as Angew. Chem. Int. J., Chem. Eur. J., J. Mater. Chem., Inorg. Chem. Organometallics, Science of the Total Environment and many others.
and book chapters: 3 complete teaching books
(in Spanish) and 3 international research book chapters (+1 submitted)
Contributions in National or International Congresses and Conferences: more than 75 contributions (2001-2016)
Invited Lectures: more than 25 invited lectures at Universities and Research Institutes worldwide.
Invited Speaker: more than 15 invited speaker lectures at International Conferences (plenary or invited)
H index = 21, Number of citations: 1334 (According to ISI WOS, May 2017)
Since 2007 Member of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
Since 2011 Member of the American Chemical Society
Last update 24th May 2017